The Foundry operates as a program within CITRIS and also participates as a member of the broader UC Berkeley Innovation and Entrepreneurship (I&E) ecosystem. The Foundry program and portfolio are managed by the CITRIS Foundry Managing Director with support from the broader CITRIS organization and UC Berkeley I&E. To learn more about UC Berkeley’s extensive I&E ecosystem please visit the Berkeley Gateway to Innovation (BEGIN).
CITRIS’s mission operates at the center of information technology and major global issues facing society. This mission provides a very broad agenda to apply innovation advancements in IT such as cloud computing, big data, AI/ML, photonic communications, and 5G to sizable global topics such as health, transportation, resource management, climate, energy, robotics, food, distribution, supply chain, semiconductors, and more. Combined, these impact a wide variety of enterprises and consumer markets. The CITRIS Foundry vision is to provide highly focused incubation resources that enable advanced UC engineers, scientists, and researchers to form venture-ready startups. Operating at this intersection provides the greatest potential to disrupt existing markets and create new ones.
450 Sutardja Dai Hall
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA, 94704