13 Nov Berkeley Innovators Series: Jack McCauley, Design Mastermind of Guitar Hero & Oculus
Wednesday, December 3, 2014 5-6:30PM
Banatao Auditorium, Sutardja Dai Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720
Come hear Jack McCauley, VP of Engineering for Oculus, share his 30+ years of experience shaping the video gaming and entertainment-wear industries. Jack’s talk will include time for Q&A and a demo of the latest device he’s designed — the Oculus Rift.
Jack McCauley EECS ’86 is currently the VP of Engineering for Oculus VR. He is also the founder and president of R0R3 Engineered Solutions, a company focused on design and product development. As an engineer, inventor and video game developer, he is known for inventing the first scrolling feature of the computer mouse, designing the guitars and drums for the Guitar Hero video game series, and most recently engineering the Oculus Rift — the hottest new product in VR technology. He holds multiple patents and specializes in hardware engineering, firmware engineering, consumer electronics, and manufacturing.
Pizza will be served. Space is limited.
The Berkeley Innovators Series is designed to connect today’s students with Berkeley’s innovative founders and startups. Co-sponsored by The Foundry@CITRIS and the Cal Startup Network.