04 Dec CITRIS Foundry Winter 2015 Demo Day
Wednesday, December 9th, 2015 from 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Banatao Auditorium, Sutardja Dai Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720
The CITRIS Foundry is hosting a Demo Day to celebrate the graduation of our Fall 2014 and Spring 2015 cohorts. The Demo Day will serve as an opportunity for all 6 teams to share short presentations about their companies and showcase their accomplishments. They will be available to discuss both their experiences working in The CITRIS Foundry and being involved in a Berkeley startup.
We would like to invite our mentors, friends and the Berkeley community to join us for an evening of food, drinks and casual celebration. See how our companies have grown over the past year. And if you’re ready launch your own startup, come find out what it means to be part of the CITRIS Foundry community.
About the Companies
Bash is an app for organizing meetups and hangouts with friends.
Bioinspira provides innovative sensing solutions that improve quality of life through a wide range of applications.
CalWave harnesses the renewable power of ocean waves to produce electrcity and freshwater.
Meeglo senses your heart rate and glows as it changes to help you balance your mind.
SimpleWater provides radically affordable arsenic removal systems for drinking water.
WattTime provides data, software, and expertise that enables your smart devices to prioritize energy from clean power sources.